Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hi Chivon!

Just wanted to give a shout out to my BFF! HAHAHAHA! Here's her adorable kids!


Anonymous said...

woot woot! BFF here, giving a shout out back! hahahahahaha what nerds we are! But, I do have some darn cute kids!

jinxi~ aka angi said...

Awww, they are some cute kiddos! hehee

Emily said...

Oh my...the kids are so big!! Hannah was just a baby when I saw her. Now there is a new baby!

I can't wait to see what baby #5 and baby #6 will look like.

Hurry up Chivon!!

Brooke said...

They look like a bundle of energy...a cute bundle of energy. :)

Anonymous said...

Ummm......5 & 6????? Yeah, if you call my cats my kids! Say hello to my little boy Bandit and my little girl Belle! Hehehehe

I am quite done having babies.......I hope......