Sunday, August 27, 2006

Baby, you could drive my car.....

Well, being that I am such a sap and love dolphins SO MUCH I would have to say I'd be a dolphin. They are so graceful, beautiful, just...EVERYTHING!

As for the car...hehehe. I've never been a car freak. I'll see something I like and refer to it by color. "See that green car over there? That sure is cute!" But two and a half years ago I saw this car. A white, sexy car. Yes, you heard me. I loved it. I kept seeing it around town and wondering what it was. I'm not like Don who can look at a car and name make, model, year and whatever in three seconds.

So I kept trying to describe it to Don, and kept hoping to see it again. Then one day at the gas station THERE IT WAS! So, being the outgoing weirdo I am...I went and asked them. Now I realized this second I forgot the year. But it was a STINGRAY. I'm not a muscle car lover usually, but lately, I've been liking them more. So, if I could be a car, it'd be the sexy Stingray.


jinxi~ aka angi said...

Oooo a white stingray IS sexy... nice choice girlie! ;o)

harleyangel said...

I'm more like Don, I can name that car in 3 seconds flat! lol. I dunno why but ever since I was a kid I've been that way! A white stingray would be sweeeeet and you would love great in one!

Becky said...

it;s kind of funny that the animal and the car are both water related, isn't it? good choices my dear watson!!!

Mr. Wm. D. Manchack said...

It's a mid-seventies Corvette Stingray, by the way.
The Stingray was introduced in 1959 as a "Manufacturer-Sponsored Race Car". The AMA banned the used of manufacturer-sponsored cars soon after. It wasn't until 1963 that the name was applied to passenger vehicles. The Stingray title was last used in '76. But it's the mid-seventies models that most people associate with the "Stingray" moniker.
There's some talk that one of the 2009 models may be carrying the "Stingray" name again. Yay!